Dr. Terry Hammond is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing exclusively in shoulder surgery. He has performed over 5000 shoulder operations, see approximately 1000 new patients each year and performs over 450 shoulder operations annually. You can read his profile, make an appointment, read about shoulder conditions (including watching videos of operations) or contact us by clicking on the links above. You can also download physiotherapy protocols and Dr. Hammond's patient information booklets. |
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Shoulder Problems
- Bursitis / Impingement Syndrome >
- Rotator Cuff Tears >
- Biceps Tendon Injuries
- Shoulder Dislocations and Labral Tears >
- Frozen Shoulder >
- Calcium in the Shoulder >
- Acromioclaivicular Joint Dislocation
- Acromioclavicular Joint Disease >
- Arthroscopy of Normal Shoulder
- Looking After Your Shoulder
- Shoulder Stretches
- Complications of Surgery
- Physio
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